Los Angeles County
Valencia, CA
Schools: 10
Teachers: 231
Students: 5927
Bonds for Newhall
Capital outlay: $1,042,000
Total revenue: | $83,726,000 |
Avg revenue per student: | $14,143 |
Total expenses: | $72,444,000 |
Avg expenses per student: | $12,237 |
Elementary Schools
Dr. J. Michael Mcgrath Elementary | KG - 6 |
Meadows Elementary | KG - 6 |
Newhall Elementary | KG - 6 |
Oak Hills Elementary | KG - 6 |
Old Orchard Elementary | KG - 6 |
Peachland Avenue Elementary | KG - 6 |
Pico Canyon Elementary | KG - 6 |
Stevenson Ranch Elementary | KG - 6 |
Valencia Valley Elementary | KG - 6 |
Wiley Canyon Elementary | KG - 6 |
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